quarta-feira, 10 de março de 2021

Inglês - Professora Eni - 6ºA 6ºB 6ºC 6ºD (5ª semana)



Professora: Eni

Disciplina: Inglês

Data: 10/03/2021                       Data de entrega: até 15/03/2021

email: eni.ingles@gmail.com


1. Answer the following questions with information about yourself.

    a) What's your first name? ______________________________________

    b) What's your last name? ______________________________________

    c) How old are you? ___________________________________________

    d) What's your email address?___________________________________

    e) What's your telephone number? _______________________________


2. Match the numbers.

    a. 25                                 (   ) twelve

    b. 67                                 (   ) ninety-nine

    c. 33                                 (   ) twenty-five

    d. 99                                 (   ) thirty-three

    e. 12                                 (   ) sixty-seven


3. Solve the operations.

    a. twelve + twenty-five= ________________________________________

    b. eighty - seventeen=   ________________________________________

    c. three x  fifteen = ____________________________________________

    d. seventy-seven  -  nineteen = __________________________________

    e. thirty-two : two = ____________________________________________


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